As the world gathers to observe World Water Week from 25-29 August 2024, this year’s theme, “Bridging Borders: Water Cooperation for Peace and Security,” could not be more crucial. Water…
These photos capture work with local communities around the International Day of Action for Rivers. Critical to ensuring Partners, People & Planet are in balance, is education and this day…
As 2024 National Water Week draws to a close, the triple-P team took some time to reflect on this year’s theme of Water For Peace and South Africa’s reality of…
Imagine 156 of the biggest rainwater tanks filled to the top standing side by side (20 000l each)! This is 3 099 000 litres and the exact amount of clean…
Another month of maximum use of our water processing systems sees 460,000 litres of clean drinking water being enjoyed by learners and educators. This brings the total supply to Rethabile,…
Water samples of the Msunduzi River taken during the TCTA Heritage Day clean-up show E.coli levels 400 times higher than the range deemed a risk to public health! On 22nd…
In recognition of Heritage Day 2023 TCTA hosted a Msunduzi River clean-up and water-quality testing in collaboration with the various role players in Pietermaritzburg. triple-P, Hennops Revival, Msunduzi Municipality and…
Today – 11 September 2023, months of work finally came together to bring clean drinking water to the learners and staff at Rethabile Primary School in Hammanskraal. Through our partnership…
In a recent series of school education visits, the triple-P team focused on drinking water and the importance of water safety testing. These learners were taught about the importance of…